Monday, February 6, 2012

Some SUPERBOWL Ad Resources 2012

“It’s halftime in America and our second half is about to begin.”

                  ~~ Clint Eastwood, American film actor, director, producer, composer and politician

                                 (Chrysler Superbowl Commercial premiered at Super Bowl XLVI (46), February 5, 2012

Here's a listing of some interesting sites about Superbowl XLVI ads. Best to copy/paste than to click on link. Enjoy the game. I'm looking forward to viewing this years ads - although we all saw them in advance thanks to digital! As in last year, my favorite is still E-Trade Baby commercials.

-E-Trade BABY Superbowl Commercial 2012 "Speed Dating Baby" - baby giving dad sound financial advice! Great takeaway - babies are smarter than one thinks! LOL
- Super Bowl Ads 2012: Here Are The Winners And Losers, Super Bowl ads: the definitive top 10 listing of the top 10 lists

Friday, February 3, 2012

Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg Salary Trumps CEO Mark Zuckerberg

          "The most important career choice you'll make is who you marry."
Sheryl Sandberg

Two weeks ago, I was singing "At Last," in memory of the greatest woman's voice who ever lived, Etta James. (Incidentally, this was the song to our first dance at our wedding.)

Today it's "At Last," the highest paid employee at a major corporation, Facebook, is a woman! Second in command, Sheryl Sandberg could become one of the wealthiest self-made women in the world once the company goes public. According to Claudine Zap at Yahoo Shine, "Her salary and stock awards last year were $30.87 million."

According to Facebook's S-1 filing with the SEC on Wednesday, January 31st, Sandberg got $295,833 in salary plus a bonus of $85,133 and stock awards worth $30,491,613 which trumps the $1.49 million that CEO Mark Zuckerberg received (consisting of a salary of$483,333 plus a $220,500 bonus and “other compensation” worth $783,529).

When Facebook goes public Sandberg will become a billionaire; Yet she admits that she can't succeed alone. "We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored." said Sandberg in a commencement address to Barnard College graduates.

More information at the following links:

Meet Sheryl Sandberg: Facebook's Highest-Paid Employee by Claudine Zap, Yahoo Shine, Work + Money

WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS; Sheryl Sandberg, David Goldberg, April 18, 2004

Sheryl Sandberg’s Tips that Every Professional Woman Should Hear By Kailei R., Vyne World, Career, Phenomenal Women

Sheryl Sandberg Was Facebook’s Best-Paid Employee in 2011