Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy 147th Memorial Day America, Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy 147th Memorial Day Weekend America!

“We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies."
~~ Moina Michael (aka Poppy Lady)
U.S. professor and humanitarian who vowed to always wear a red poppy as a symbol of remembrance for those who served in the war. In 1915, inspired by the poem "In Flanders Fields," Moina Michael replied with her own poem, We Shall Keep the Faith, November 1918

In Flander's Field by John McCrae
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow,
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead.
Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved and now we lie,
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw,
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us, who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow,
In Flanders Fields.


Memorial day marks the first day of the year for white-wear. The traditional fashion trend, “no white before Memorial Day or after Labor Day” gained popularity as the wealthy began wearing white in the summer. Light clothing was the symbol of leisure and black and navy were always the norm for the working class. This fad continued until years later as many began replacing white pants with the likes of bold solids and floral prints, pastel jungle prints, red jumpsuits, neon pink and cobalt sun dresses.


The first Memorial Day celebration traces back to May 30, 1868 and today marks the 147th Memorial Day celebration in America (146 years ago). Memorial Day honors men and women who fought for our country so that we can all be free.

Originally coined "Decoration Day," Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. Memorial Day is less about barbecues and more about celebrating our nation’s veterans. Don't forget -- raise your flag half-staff -- honor more than one million Americans who gave their lives in service of this country for our freedom.

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states.

The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). It is now celebrated in almost every State on the last Monday in May (passed by Congress with the National Holiday Act of 1971 (P.L. 90 - 363) to ensure a three day weekend for Federal holidays), though several southern states have an additional separate day for honoring the Confederate war dead: January 19 in Texas, April 26 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10 in South Carolina; and June 3 (Jefferson Davis' birthday) in Louisiana and Tennessee.

Other Resources

► Enjoy the Long Weekend with These Memorial Day Fashion Finds
► Who, What, Wear blog, Three Outfit Ideas for Memorial Day Weekend
► Do You Have to Wait Until After Memorial Day to Wear White? |
Moina Bell Michael: the Idea for the Flanders Fields Memorial Poppy
Memorial Day Calendar
Memorial Day History
How to Observe Memorial Day
Buddy Poppy
The Story Behind the Poppy

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Wishing you and yours a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

All photos courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Google celebrates Rubik's Cube 40th bday with interactive doodle

“Our whole life is solving puzzles...We turn the cube and it twists us...A good puzzle, it's a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It's very clear, and the problem depends just on you…" ~~ Ernő Rubik, Hungarian inventor, architect and professor of architecture; Inventor of Rubik's Cube (1974), Rubik's Magic, Rubik's Magic: Master Edition, Rubik's Snake.

Four decades ago today, Rubik's Cube, the worlds top-selling toy in the world launched.

Happy 40th birthday to Rubik's Cube. Amazingly as of 2009 this colorful, 3-D game puzzle reached 350 million sales globally.

Rubik made the original prototypes of his cube by hand, making tiny holes in blocks of wood, threading rubber bands through them for holding the cubes together.

Rubik originally coined his puzzle "Magic Cube" in 1975 in Hungary. American company, Ideal Toys of New York obtained a license agreement in 1979.

Ideal's major branding strategy was to have a unique identity for the cube, and appropriately named it after its inventor, Rubik, in 1980 and "Rubik's Cube" began mass market production.

According to a recent Europa article, Rubik's influencers include Leonardo da Vinci who Rubik regards as the Renaissance man, Michelangelo who he respects as a polymath painter, sculptor, and architect, M.C. Escher, an artist who built impossible constructions and grappled with the explorations of infinity. Philosophers and writers Rubik admires are Voltaire, Stendhal, Thomas Mann, Jean-Paul Sartre, Hungarian poet Attila József, Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov. In the field of architecture, Rubik is an admirer of Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier.

A standard Rubik's Cube measures about 2¼ inches on each side and is comprised of twenty-six unique miniature cubes, known as "cubies" or "cubelets." Each of these tiny cubies includes a hidden cubie inside that interlocks with the other interlocking cubes.

This enables a user to move them around in different locations to create the ideal pattern -- all of the same colors on each of the total 6 external sides of the cube.

A single core piece consists of three intersecting axes holding the six center squares in place but letting them rotate, and twenty smaller plastic pieces which fit into it to form the assembled puzzle.

According to an article by Scott Vaughen, Professor of Mathematics, Miami Dade College titled "Counting the Permutations of the Rubik's Cube," there are 43 quintrillion ways to arrange the cubes - {8! \times 3^7 \times (12!/2) \times 2^{11}} = 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 or 43 quintillion.

 Official Rubik's Cube Web site
 Rubik's Cube on's_cube
 The Little Cube that Changed the World, International Business News
 Europa Interview with Ernő Rubik,
 Photos courtesy of

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Monday, May 12, 2014

The Digital Marketer:
Ten New Skills You Must Learn To Stay Relevant And Customer-Centric

book review by Gloria Buono-Daly
GBDaly Smile Rating - 5 smiles Up )))))

“Customers will take power from institutions (especially companies) through their access to precise pricing, social voice and ability to buy anything, from anywhere, from anyone, at any time... In the future, all companies will be software companies. To stay relevant in the age of the customer, marketing leaders must be able to adapt to – and exploit – the four market imperatives that are driving the rise of the empowered customer…" ~~ George Forrester Colony, Chairman and CEO, Forrester Research, Inc.,, excerpt taken from Foreward, page xi, The Digital Marketer #TheDigitalMarketer

The world of digital marketing and communications technology has quickly altered the digital landscape and ecosystem particularly in the past 5 years.

According to many sources including a Harris Interactive Customer Experience Impact Report conducted by Oracle, internet globalization has been providing unlimited choices for consumers who now run the show.

An estimated 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company due to bad customer experiences; This is an increase of 46% (or +27 percentage points) from 59% four years ago.
(Photo above left, Opte Project visualization of Internet Globalization routing paths courtesy Wikimedia)

The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson share their expertise and decades of experiences to clarify and describe how modern communications technology is changing consumer behavior and creating shifts in marketing concepts, practice and careers. (Photo below right courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.)

Although marketing objectives have remained the same for decades –- i.e., increasing customer acquisitions and retention -- the methods and technologies of achieving consumer growth have changed phenomenally as big data coupled with evolving technologies and consumer platforms continue to enhance the experiences, participation and voices of consumers.

The Digital Marketer includes the top latest trends and technologies that all marketers need to know so as to effectively plan, implement and succeed as well as various aspects pertaining to the preparedness and anticipation for constant disruption. I've already incorporated many of insightful tips throughout the book. You too can be inspired and motivated to do the same by reading The Digital Marketer by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson.


The first of ten skills-sets in The Digital Marketer explains the importance of you – what I refer to as reinventing the "reinventing yourself" concept. Weber and Henderson also discuss “” (being more than your brand and your presence for various social environments) and the importance of being your "own human resources manager," wearing your many hats, understanding your potential, skill-sets, and your drive for self-improvement.

Taking charge of your own career, being your own small business entity and resourcefulness are crucial before any marketing contribution you make can be successful and have impact. Sitting still and waiting for marketing things to happen in our new world of “customer-centric” marketing, is the riskiest thing a marketer can do. (Photo below left human head with #socialnetwork symbols, courtesy FreeDigitalPhotos.)
The authors explain how “Know Thyself” is knowing your story, your self awareness and stressing the importance of social media with concrete examples such as posting an “About Me” board on #Pinterest, taking advantage of #LinkedIn, #Facebook, and many other relevant #digital #socialNetworking. Valuable tips include hashtags to explore -- #personalbranding, #career, #careeradvice, #startYOU.


The Digital Marketer helps marketers understand why and how the usual PR hype and brand loyalty paradigms are no longer enough to engage customers. The new customer-centric world is filled with opinionated, social and digitally savvy consumers. Along with the ever-changing marketing trends and evolving technologies, many factors impact customer experience from search, digital to instore retail, ecommerce and many other customer experiences. The more digital marketers understand and meet their customer's needs, the more relevant user experiences and potential participation. (Photo right courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.)

Consequently, an entirely new style of marketing has emerged. Big data, digital communications and many other marketing trends continue to dominate the new world of consumer-centric relevancy. The Digital Marketer delineates how marketing has evolved exponentially in only 5 years, and describes how it will continue to evolve as new technologies breed constant disruption.


Digital marketing is a complex field and involves hundreds to thousands of technologies and tools that are constantly evolving to connect marketers with informed and vocal consumers. The latest digital marketing changes not only bring unprecedented challenges for creating experiences that are more personal and meaningful for customers but also bring constructive, exciting and fulfilling marketing careers like no other profession.

The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric, by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson is a must read for entry to senior level marketers as well as future generation marketers. The authors share their decades of experiences and use intriguing case studies that include pertinent thought processes that help marketers understand the intricacies of the many changing technologies as well as the complex marketing and customer engagement platforms.

“The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric,” by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson explains the importance of the latest technologies and trends including big data, digital loyalty, predictive analytics, and many others that are used in today’s digital marketing arena. (photo right courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos)

“The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric,” by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson would also be a great read for digital analysts, social media managers, and anyone interested in learning about the world of digital marketing. Gloria Buono-Daly smile rating, 5 smiles up ))))).

GBDaly Smile Rating -
5 Smiles Up ))))) (c) 2014
If you want to want to learn the importance of relevancy, customer-focused marketing trends and skills needed to stay on top, as well as understand the reality of constant disruptions, you need to read The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn To Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric" by Larry Weber and Lisa Leslie Henderson. The book is on sale at bookstores everywhere.
(photo right courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos)

    ▓ █
    ♦  When It Comes To Data-Driven Insights, Marketers Flunk The Customer-Centricity Test, CMO by Adobe
    ▓ █
    ♦  The Digital Marketer published by Wiley
    ▓ █
    ♦  6 customer experience statistics – and the performance implications for your business , Business Insider
    ▓ █
    ♦  Customer Centricity , DSI (Decision Strategies International)
    ▓ █ 9 Must-Know Stats for the Customer-Centric Marketer , SalesForce Pardot Blog by Jenna Hanington
    ▓ █ The State of Social Marketers ,
    ▓ █ DreamFireInteractive Industry Insights
    ▓ █ 30 Stats Every Q&A and Training Professional Should Know,,

Please check out all the links in the resource section above and share this on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks you enjoy! Thanks!

Photos courtesy of The Digital Marketer authors and Wiley & Sons, Inc., unless otherwise mentioned.

Visiting this blog frequently and sharing this with your social media and professional network is much appreciated. Thanks.

GBDaly exclusive "Smile Rating" (c) 2013 created and conceptualized by Gloria Buono Daly.


@TheLarryWeber (Boston, MA), is Chairman and CEO of Racepoint Global (@RacepointGlobal), an advanced marketing services agency.

He is the founder of Weber Shandwick and MITX, the world’s largest Internet marketing association, and the author of four previous books on marketing, technology, and leadership.

LISA LESLIE HENDERSON @ljlhendo (Boston, MA), writes, teaches, and consults on the changing face of marketing, creativity and innovation, and social entrepreneurship.
This is the second book upon which she has collaborated with Larry Weber.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy 100th Mother's Day America! Enjoy this easy 1-2-3 cookie recipe

"A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy!

You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment."
~~ Anna Jarvis, Founder of the Mother's Day holiday in the United States, on the true meaning of mothers.

Photo right (courtesy of Wikipedia) of The International Mother's Day Shrine was designated a National Historic Landmark October 5, 1992. The Shrine, constructed in 1873 is located at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church at 11 E. Main Street in Grafton West Virginia. Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church also called the "mother church" of Mother's Day, was incorporated as the International Mother's Day Shrine on May 15, 1962, as a tribute to all mothers.

Google celebrates Mother's Day with lovely, bicycle-themed doodle.
Happy 100th Mother's Day America

Mother's Day, this year is Sunday, May 11th and always a great day to celebrate love, friendship and moms.

Did you know that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in his 1914 presidential proclamation, by the U.S. Congress proclaimed the very first Mother's Day celebration?

Mother's Day was originally created by Anna Marie Jarvis in 1907 when she had a memorial to celebrate her Mother, Ann Jarvis who passed away on May 12, 1905. Anna's mother Ann Jarvis had founded Mothers' Day Work Clubs in five cities to improve sanitary and health conditions. The Mothers' Day Work Clubs also treated wounds, fed, and clothed both Union and Confederate soldiers with neutrality. Anna Marie Jarvis never married and had no children. She and her sister Ellsinore became disappointed with the commercialization of Mother's Day. They spent their family inheritance campaigning against what the holiday had become. Both died in poverty.

Yellow roses are very popular on Mother's Day as they indicate joy, gladness, friendship and "I Care?" Our way of remembering and celebrating is sharing our photo of beautiful bouquet of 2 dozen yellow roses my husband and I presented to our mom in May 2011. And I like to share her special cookie recipe.

As a child my mother would often bake all sorts of foods, pies, desserts, cakes and cookies. One of my favorite, all time cookies is a famous Italian cookie called "Anginette" (aka Anginetti), in the USA popularly called "Lemon Drop Cookies." The great thing about this cookie is that it is popular all year round and with just a few ingredients, anyone can prepare and bake this great cookie in less than 30 minutes. {Photo left, mother and photo below right me and mom on our Wedding Day, March 2008)
I use to always enjoy rolling the dough into extra long cigar shapes and coiling the cookie into 2 and 3 tiers high with my mother. The sky is the limit in regards to creativity; although Anginetti are delightful plain they are lovely and appetizing garnished with frosting and sprinkles. The prep time including rolling the dough into cigar shapes was slightly less than 15 minutes and it baked in 8 minutes. I try to bake these as much as I can. I once baked Anginettes and decided to bring in a tray for an early meeting where I was leading a direct marketing presentation to a group of about 30 people. The cookies were a big hit as was my presentation. Besides adding a personal touch, they were a surprise breakfast treat especially while sipping coffee and tea.

► Eggs 6
► Baking Powder 4 - 6 teaspoons max
► Baking Soda 1/2 teaspoon
► Flour 6 cups
► Vanilla 1 - 2 teaspoons
► Sugar 1 - 2 cups (can substitute with alteratives, e.g., splenda, equal, etc.)
► Butter 4 sticks (can substitute with vegetable oil)

► Powdered Sugar (aka Confectioners Sugar) 3 tablespoons
► Milk, Lemon Juice or Water (just a dash, about 1/2 teaspoon)

► Lemon or Orange Skin (grated or peeled, optional with flour mix)
► Caraway seeds, almonds, walnuts, cream cheese, etc.
► Be Creative

Step 1 : Make Dough (5 min)
► Prepare oven at 375°; In large bowl combine ingredients
► Eggs
► Baking Powder
► Flour (put about half and add the remaining flour while mixing in bowl)
► Vanilla
► Sugar (or alternative, e.g., splenda, equal, etc.)
► Butter

Step 2 : Knead, Cut & Shape Dough (10 min)
► Knead dough when ready divide into amounts enough to roll into long cigars (about 6" to 8 inches); Then create circular coil shapes. Place in baking tray. Makes about 36 cookies or so depending on shape and size of cookies. You can make many more if you use a simple flat, round conventional shape cookie, but then again, it won't have the look and feel as a true, anginette.

Step 3 : Place tray in 375° oven (8 - 18 min)
► Depending on your oven, bake anywhere from 10to 20 minutes, keep watching and when the cookies are golden brown color on the bottom it is done. If you want to have frosting, mix the powdered sugar and water and stir until paste like. Wait at least 10 minutes for baked cookies to cool and dip cookies into frosting mix, or simply pour a little on each. Should set within 15 minutes. Can serve plain or with the traditional sugar frosting. Be creative, try cutting a few plain ones and adding cream cheese in the middle.
► Don't forget to wait at least 10 minutes before adding the icing and sprinkles or serving without icing.

Total time - 23 - 33 Minutes

These cookies are great plain or with icing. There are different textures and styles. The neutral-colored frosting was made using lemon instead of milk with powdered sugar.

“The sweetest sounds to mortals given. Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven” -- William Goldsmith Brown (1902-1982);
Survivor of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Later he wrote a book about his experiences on the ship, and had his story featured in the documentary, Titanic: The Legend Lives On, as well as a children's book about the disaster, Inside the Titanic.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Google’s doodle all pink for actress and fashion icon Audrey Hepburn’s 85th

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” ~~ Audrey Hepburn
(born Audrey Kathleen Ruston; 4 May 1929 – 20 January 1993), British actress and humanitarian; Film & Fashion Icon, American Film Institute ranks Hepburn as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema and has been placed in theInternational Best Dressed List Hall of Fame. She is also regarded by some to be the most naturally beautiful woman of all time

No surprise that Google's "doodled pink" and celebrates Audrey Hepburn’s 85th with a simple, classical, stylish pink doodle.


Cropped hair-dos, gracious greecian up-dos, plain pony-tails and French twists, over-done eyelashes, natural eyelashes, over-outlined eyebrows, bushy eyebrows, plain pink lipsticks, dark red lipsticks, pencil-straight pants, wide-legged pants, bold-striped Tees, button-down shirts, ruffled blouses, strapless, turtleneck, you name it, Hepburn's glamorized and signatured it.

Any make-up she'd smudge on or apparel she'd wear would become the latest fad.

Hepburn was classic yet broke many rules from over-sized, overdone, stylizing menswear glorifying pinstripe suits, bow-ties and penny-loafers.

Hepburn transformed a simple "little black dress" into elegance and stunning formal wear into fashion statements.

Hepburn's beauty will always be ageless and her iconic style always timeless.

Surprisingly, according to an April 2013 Vanity Fair article, according to her son, Luca Dotti, Hepburn never thought she was beautiful.


Born in 48 Rue Keyenveld, Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, Hepburn spent her childhood between Belgium, England and the Netherlands, including German-occupied Arnhem during the Second World War. Her father, Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston (1889–1980), was a British subject born in Úžice, Bohemia, to Anna Ruston née Wels of Austrian descent and Victor John George Ruston of British and Austrian descent. A one-time honorary British consul in the Dutch East Indies, Ruston had earlier been married to Cornelia Bisschop, a Dutch heiress.

Although born Ruston, he later double-barrelled the surname to the more "aristocratic" Hepburn-Ruston, mistakenly believing himself descended from James Hepburn, third husband of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Her mother, Baroness Ella van Heemstra (1900–1984), was a Dutch aristocrat and the daughter of Baron Aarnoud van Heemstra, who was mayor of Arnhem from 1910 to 1920 and served as Governor of Suriname from 1921 to 1928. Ella's mother was Elbrig Willemine Henriette, Baroness van Asbeck (1873–1939), who was a granddaughter of jurist Dirk van Hogendorp.

The family often travelled between the three countries due to her mother's family in the Netherlands and her father's British background and job with a British company.

With her multinational background, she went on to speak fluent English, Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian. Hepburn participated in ballet by the age of 5.

In Amsterdam, she studied ballet with Sonia Gaskell before moving to London in 1948 to continue her ballet training with Marie Rambert and perform as a chorus girl in West End musical theatre productions. She spoke several languages including English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and German.

After appearing in several British films and starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi, Hepburn played the Academy Award-winning lead role in Roman Holiday (1953). She went on to star in a number of successful films, such as Sabrina (1954), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Charade (1963), My Fair Lady (1964) and Wait Until Dark (1967), for which she received Academy Award, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations. For her role in Roman Holiday, Hepburn was also the first actress to win an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for a single performance in 1954. The same year, she won a Tony Award for Best Lead Actress in a Play for Ondine. Hepburn remains one of few people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards. She won a record three BAFTA Awards for Best British Actress in a Leading Role.

She appeared in fewer films as her life went on, devoting much of her later life to UNICEF. Although contributing to the organization since 1954, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia between 1988 and 1992.

She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in December 1992. A month later, Hepburn died of appendiceal cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63.

Additional Resources
► Audrey Hepburn best photos, Vanity Fair
► Audrey Hepburn, Wikipedia">
► 25 Timeless Style Lessons from Audrey Hepburn

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Photos courtesy of unless otherwise indicated.