Pavlina Osta is young, beautiful, brilliant, sophisticated and eclectic -- from ballet dancer and steel-drum player to tween radio host and celebrity interviewer -- known by many as "girl on the go," and oh the places she will go. Theodor Suess Geisel (Dr. Suess) must be very proud. To say Pavlina Osta, “rising journalist,” is going places would be an understatement.
Below is the latest video, 'One to One with Gloria' and Pavlina Osta, Fifteen Year Old Celebrity Interviewer/Journalist after The Elly Awards at The Plaza Hotel, New York City on June 25, 2013.
When I first saw Pavlina Osta at the press area, I thought, is she with her mother? I was quickly impressed and inspired to meet with her and quickly learn of her many talents -- ballet dancer and steel-drum player to tween radio/TV show host, celebrity interviewer, and with lots more in-between – there is magic, power and positivity in the world of digital and the internet for kids, tweens and teenagers -- with parental guidance, of course.
Besides communicating, sharing photos, simple tweets, other social, etc., the world of digital and the internet can be an amazing experience in helping children of all ages explore, learn, and make dreams come true.
After meeting fifteen year old celebrity interviewer and rising journalist, Pavlina Osta, during The 3rd Annual Elly Awards I just had to interview her and share this amazing “One to One” with you.
Watch, learn, be inspired and stay tuned for more exciting “One to One” event videos!
Here’s to looking at another one of my proudest moments. And there will be more exciting "One to One" interviews to follow so please bookmark this page and follow the AllThingsDigitalMarketing blog. Thanks!
"One to One with Gloria" interviews are by This video was produced using video, photos and audio recordings from interviews by Gloria Buono-Daly during the event. Interested in knowing how this video was done? Maria Benevenga, Senior Design Specialist and Creative Extraordinaire created the video using Adobe FinalCut Pro software and/or Adobe Premiere.
Hope you find this event coverage relevant, informative and useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks!
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Resources (updated regularly)
► Pavlina Osta, Celebrity Interviewer/Journalist at The 3rd Annual Elly Awards on YouTUBE
► Official Pavlina Osta Website
► James Grant PR
► James Grant Marketing PR
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All videos and photos by With the exception of topmost photo of Pavlina Oster provided by
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