Enjoy the latest "see what you missed" video from the 2013 DeSilva+Phillips Dealmakers Summit at New World Stages in New York City.
Here are interview highlights from "One to One with Gloria" and Jonathan Dufton at the 2013 DeSilva+Phillips Dealmakers Summit in New York City See what you missed video at the 2013 DeSilva+Phillips Dealmakers Summit at the New World Stages in New York City: Watch, learn, be inspired and stay tuned for more!
More exciting "One to One" interviews to follow so please bookmark this page and follow the AllThingsDigitalMarketing blog.
"One to One with Gloria" interviews by AllThingsDigitalMarketing.com. This video was produced using photos and audio recordings from personal "One to One" interviews during the event with MovieMaker software by Maria Benevenga, Senior Design Specialist and Creative Extraordinaire.
"Hope you find this event coverage relevant, informative and useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks!
Additional resources:
► ”One to One with Gloria” & Denzil Rankine at the 2013 DeSilva+Phillips Dealmakers Summit in New York City on YouTube http://youtu.be/6PE5OLexS14
► “One to One with Gloria” and Jonathan Dufton at the 2013 DeSilva+Phillips Dealmakers Summit in New York City on YouTube http://youtu.be/9dCNR0knnoE
► Desilva+Phillips hosts 11th Annual DEALMAKERS SUMMIT - You should have been there! See what you missed!
► Desilva + Phillips
► AMRinternational
► Fortune
► News Corporation
► The Wall Street Journal
► Bloomberg
► The Street
► BBC Worldwide America
► [x+1]
► InfoCommerce Group
► ABRY Partners
► PR Newswire
► Ipreo
► Forrester Research
► Time Warner Investments
► Accenture
► Columbia Journalism School
► Thompson Reuters Digital
► Columbia University
► Droga5
► Comcast Ventures
► Matterhorn
► LexisNexis
► Kaplan
► Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
► Amplify
► McGraw Hill Education
► WorkMarket
► Empirical Media ; Jack Griffin Empirical Media, CEO "On the "4 Building Blocks of B-2-B"
► American Express Publishing Company
► Penton Media
► Centaur Media
► Thuzio
► Nomad Editions
► Peoples Education The Dealmakers Summit (an invitation only annual event) was held at New World Stages in New York City. Hundreds of the top dealmakers in the Media, Advertising & Marketing Services, Information Services, Education and Healthcare Communications Industries attend to discuss the latest trends in M&A.
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All photos and audio recordings by Gloria Buono-Daly, Founder, AllThingsDigitalMarketing.com. Any other photos and materials, will be credited as required.
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